Fanish Elegant Signature fonts from PutraCetol Studio - (nidyf)

Fanish Elegant Signature

Introducing a elegant signature font called "Fanish Signature". This font has been designed from recreate natural handwritten style, include 116 custom beautiful ligature. it's help you to make great lettering.
Fanish Signature best uses for signature, wedding, branding, invitation, heading, cover, poster, logos, quotes, product packaging, header, merchandise, social media & greeting cards and many more.
This font is also support multi language.

In Zip Package :
- Fanish Signature otf
- Fanish Signature ttf
- Fanish Signature woff

Comes with feature : 
- Uppercase 
- Lowercase
- Alternate & Ligature
- Numerals And Punctuations
- Easy To Install
- PUA-Encoded
- Multilanguage Support.

The preview mock-up, element, shadow, image or graphic stock is not included in the download file. It’s only for presentation purpose.

If you have any questions, feedback or comments, please feel free to send me a PM or email.
Happy Creating!

PutraCetol Design Studio

Fanish Elegant Signature

Cristaloak - Rough Script fonts from PutraCetol Studio - (hbgzb)

Cristaloak - Rough Script

Introducing Cristaloak - a rough monoline script font. This font has a rough shape in the body of the font, different from monoline fonts in general. The rough shape of this font will make the retro/vintage feel more visible.
Cristaloak is perfect for vintage design, badge, logos, t-shirt, poster, branding, packaging, signage, book cover and so much more!

Come with opentype feature with a lot of alternates, its help you to make great lettering. This font is also support multi language.

In Zip Package : 
- Cristaloak otf
- Cristaloak ttf
- Cristaloak woff

Comes with feature : 
- Uppercase 
- Lowercase
- Alternate & Ligature
- Numerals And Punctuations
- Easy To Install
- PUA-Encoded
- Multilanguage Support.

The preview mock-up, element, shadow, image or graphic stock is not included in the download file. It’s only for presentation purpose.

If you have any questions, feedback or comments, please feel free to send me a message.
Happy Creating!

PutraCetol Design Studio

Cristaloak - Rough Script

The Amazing s Bundle fonts from akifatype - (emiya)

The Amazing s Bundle

The Amazing Fonts Bundle is a romantic typefaces. bold, elegant & fun vintage script font. Can be used for various purposes.such as logos, wedding invitation, t-shirt, letterhead, signage, news, posters, badges etc.
The Amazing Fonts Bundle is coded with PUA Unicode, which allows full access to all the extra characters without having special designing software. Mac users can use Font Book , and Windows users can use Character Map to view and copy any of the extra characters to paste into your favourite text editor/app.
File includes:
Merciana Script (OTF,TTF)Fantabulous Script (OTF,TTF)Bestplace Script (OTF,TTF)Funtastic Script (OTF,TTF)Maitlyn Script (OTF,TTF)Dallastic Script (OTF,TTF)Hinella Script (OTF,TTF)Dealova Script (OTF,TTF)

The Amazing s Bundle

Fikal fonts from tarikdiz - (qarhx)


A stylish Font Style. This beautiful script font offers your personal touch to your latest art project with an elegant, classy and modern look.


Milky Creamy fonts from kammaqsum - (vlrpf)

Milky Creamy

Milky Creamy is an elegant and classy script font. It looks beautiful on a variety of designs requiring a personalized style, such as wedding invitations, thank you cards, weddings, greeting cards, logos and so on. 

Milky Creamy

Fijkal fonts from tarikdiz - (ovraw)


A stylish Font Style. This beautiful script font offers your personal touch to your latest art project with an elegant, classy and modern look.


Hello Anita fonts from kammaqsum - (cdsfm)

Hello Anita

Hello Anita is a lovely script font featuring charming, playful characters that seem to dance along the baseline. This font is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the amazing glyphs and ligatures with ease!

Add it confidently to your favorite creations and let yourself be amazed by the outcome generated. 

Hello Anita